New Specialist NHS Clinics for Alpha-1

New NHS Funded Multi Disciplinary Service for Alpha-1 Patients

Specialist NHS clinics for patients with alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency will be running in the West Midlands from the end of May 2015 to cover all aspects of alpha 1. The clinics will be run at University Hospital Coventry by Dr David Parr and at University Hospital Birmingham by Dr David Parr and Dr Alice Turner. The services at both hospitals will be run in conjunction with hepatologists (liver doctors) and dermatologists (skin doctors) and there will be close links with the transplant services and the Genetics Department at University Hospital Birmingham.

Bookings for the clinic in Coventry can be made from the end of May, and an update will follow on a start date for clinics in Birmingham. Patients wishing to be seen in either of the clinics should see their GP to arrange a referral through ‘Choose and Book’, which will enable them to book into the alpha 1 clinic of their choice. Further information can be obtained by contacting Wendi Wallace in Coventry (02476 967697) or Rebecca Bray in Birmingham (0121 3713885). The following links can also be used to access information about the two hospitals and each clinic;

Coventry –

Birmingham –

Please Note: Birmingham web link is not live yet

The ADAPT research programme will continue to be based in Birmingham, and patients attending either NHS clinic who would also like to participate in alpha 1 research will still have the opportunity to do so.

Published: 28/04/2015