Alpha-1 Alliance in discussions with NHS England

Alpha-1 Alliance in discussions with NHS England

As part of the application for a highly specialised Alpha-1 service, the Alpha-1 Alliance is currently in discussions with NHS England and the Clinical Reference Group (CRG) for specialised respiratory disease to further identify the next stages within the application process.

In February, the Alpha-1 Alliance submitted a service proposal to NHS England to outline the current standard of care provided to patients with Alpha-1 under the NHS and how it could be improved in the future.

The service proposal will be considered at NHS England’s next Programme of Care meeting. The Alliance will continue to work on a more detailed scoping document to provide further information about the elements of the proposed service to NHS England. The scoping document will be submitted to the CRG for consideration in the coming weeks.

Source: Alpha-1 Alliance 25/03/2014